Chase Nelson is currently an undergraduate student with a promising future. Whether it’s on the football field, the classroom, the ping-pong table, or wherever else the renaissance man can put his talents to use, Chase’s abilities and energy rarely go unnoticed. Some people call it ‘Shine’, and it’s an infectious and positive energy. So what keeps him grounded? He was kind enough to tell us a bit about his 10 fundamentals so that you can borrow a bit of his shine too.

It seems ironic to put nature on a list of things I can’t live without, but there is no sarcasm intended. Apart from being the foundation of my physical life’s form and existence, the laws and beauty of nature have grown roots into my soul. I find those moments of awe and wonder that are felt when I experience nature’s majesty to be life-staples I wouldn’t want to live without.

Much more true to my inner Ron Swanson than my last gushy fundamental; I identify a nice cut of juicy steak, well-seasoned and well-charred, to be one of life’s most satisfying experiences. I also include steak’s little brothers in the world of culinary delicacies, cured meats and cheeses. This family of gustatory greatness are an absolute must in my ideal life. To paraphrase the great leader,
“…bring me all the (meats and cheeses) you have.”
-Ron Swanson

There is a reason some of the world’s biggest edifices are erected to contain sporting events. Homo sapiens are evolutionary fascinated with the superlative! Who is the fastest? who is the strongest? most-skilled? best team? greatest ever? Our attraction comes from a desire to associate with the best, to provide ourselves with the greatest chance of survival and propagation.... it’s in our nature. And I’m no exception. Sports is a staple for me because it satisfies that curiosity of finding the best of a variety of activities, physical or mental. It is also a source of free and endless drama and storyline which I enjoy.
“I like sports and I don’t care who knows”
-SNL Cast

For this fundamental I will simply share a brief hypothetical and let you decide whether to care or give thought about your smell...
Say you notice a very person attractive. They are well dressed, they are well kept, and they seem charismatic. You move in to acquaint yourself.... as you are nearing their personal bubble, an awful scent begins creeping through your nostrils. You find to your abject horror that this person’s body or breath is the source of the ominous olfactory assault.
Now, say you see a different person, average clothes, average hair, not stunning but not ugly.... you don’t move in but circumstances bring you closer throughout the night.... you find that they smell like Aphrodite’s bath water.... after playing this situation out in your head, ask yourself: How powerful was scent to you?
To me, scent is the strongest of the 5 senses. Therefore, I collect colognes to ensure I always have the right scent to call on for each occasion.

Friends: The sitcom and the real thing.... no just kidding, only the real thing. Gratefully, my life has been filled with deep and joyous friendships that have added color, vibrance, experience, and countless other things to my life. One of the best parts about getting older in life is that more and more friends continue to appear. I’m anxious to see what dynamic friendship is around the corner to bring joy and satisfaction to my life’s journey! Be a friend to find a friend, love a friend to keep a friend.

This humane responsibility/industry has sustained and saved the lives of myself and those I’ve loved. From arterial stints adding years onto my grandfather’s life, to being the reason I’ve had a roof over my head and food on my table through my dad’s hard work, medicine and healthcare have punctuated my life and will continue to do so as I excitedly pursue a career in helping people prevent, heal, and rehabilitate disease and injury!

The teachings of Jesus Christ are bedrock of my life and character. I can’t live without my Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that comes from it!

Pitch black, 65 degrees Fahrenheit, Egyptian Cotton sheets with a high thread count, and a down feather comforter with 3 pillows. I’ll see you in 8-10 hours, bright-eyed and bushy tailed!

This is as literal as it is emotional. They pay for everything because I am a walk-on full-time student athlete who is trying to get into medical school. Without them my life would be completely different and many opportunities and experiences I love and enjoy in my life wouldn’t be available to me without their support, both monetary and emotional.

Just the other week as a 23 year old grown man I was telling the story of when I went to put my dog Bubba down a full decade ago. I had to stop telling the story because I got a lump in my throat and tears and my eyes!! A grown man crying over his dog a decade since he died!?! Get over it right!?! Hahaha.... I owned 2 bullmastiffs named hank and bubba from the time I was 5 til I was 21 and they held as big a spot in my heart as almost anything else in the world. Now they are elsewhere but my memories and love for them remain in my heart and head and I wouldn’t want to imagine my formative years without those big burly boys by my side all the time.